• Dan Lucero

    My cats breath smells like cat food.

  • Dan Swinton

    Minister of disinformation, agent of chaos, wheel building savant, resident road dog.

  • Jennie Stonesifer

    Inquisitor general, only adult in the room, has been mountain biking longer than you.

  • Wef Wambold

    White v-neck enthusiast, Garfield memorabilia collector

  • Mike Torrisi

    Editor of “Get Off my Lawn Quarterly”

    Misses his flip phone

  • Incredibly Handsome Man

    Quincy Jennings

    FNG, Chief Meteorologist, pop culture encyclopedia

Special Guest Stars

  • Not a baby.

    Not named Dave.

    Not an Employee.

  • Actually a Doctor.

    Actually named Dave.

    Special guest