Looking for a something...extra special? Try our new service packages.
Looking for a something...extra special? Try our new service packages. 〰️
Basic Repairs
Let’s face it some things are just difficult to do over the phone, bicycle repair being one of them. We will happily, and honestly run through your bicycle with you to determine an agreeable course of repair.
Tires & Tubes
Tube Install
Sealant Install
Tire Install
Tire Insert Install
Shifting Adjustment
Shifter Install
Cable & Housing Install
Derailleur Install
Chain Install
Chainring Install
Cassette Install
Brake Adjustment
Brake Bleed
Brake Pad Install
Brake Rotor Install
Brake set Install
A la carte
Boxed bike build
Box a bike for shipping
Travel Case Rental
Component Installation
Handlebar Install
Crankset Installation
Chainring Install
Cassette Install
Wrap Handlebars
Bottom Bracket Install
Install Headset
Prep frame for Carbon Repair